Small changes, big impact

We specialize in enhancing your revenue through the strategic execution of targeted A/B tests and the development of enticing new offers

Professional journey

Company achievements timeline

We are committed to being a business that balances purpose with profit that create value for all our stakeholders.

Hello World!

Company Inception

The company is founded by a team of passionate entrepreneurs. The vision, mission, and values are defined.

March 2023

Milestone 1

Product Refinement

Alpha Testing

The first version of the product is completed. Alpha testing begins, with the team rigorously testing the product for functionality and usability.

December 2023

Milestone 2

Beta Testing

User Feedback

The product enters beta testing. Limited number of application producers is invited to try out the product and provide feedback.

April 2024

Milestone 3

Launch Event

Official Launch

The product is officially launched to the public. The marketing campaigns go live, and the team focuses on driving user acquisition and adoption.

July 2025

Milestone 4


We're a results driven team

With a passion for innovation and a dedication to excellence, we bring diverse expertise to every project we undertake.


Amin Foroughi

CEO & Business Strategist


MH Gheisariehha



Ghazal Bayat

Marketing & Monetization Lead